Community money - invested by the community

New Outdoor Learning at Trinity Church School

We are pleased to have contributed towards Trinity Church School’s outdoor play and learning, contributing £5,000 to help them fund the design and build of a bespoke wooden climbing frame and outdoor learning shelter. We recieved this lovely report from the school: Trinity has 37% pupil premium children, many of which come from homes with
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Westfield Track Up and Running

We’re pleased to have been able to contribute half of the cost towards creating the lovely running track and exercise equipment up at Westhill. Westfield Parish Council led on the project after consultation with the local community, and have created an incredible resource that is used by many people, including the running club, schools, dog
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Caring for carers during the pandemic

We are pleased to have been in a good position to support the community during the Covid lockdowns. One of the projects we supported was the Carers’ Centre’s Activity Pack and Check In for the carers. This entailed setting up a hot-desk and calling all the carers in our community, offering them a variety of
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Felt and Food for Writhlington Pantry

Radstock & Westfield Big Local are pleased to have been able to support the Writhlington Pantry with a small grant, in order to continue the good work they are doing, providing free food to residents that need it. Resident Zoe Cornick, who put in the application, said “The fantastic donation from Big Local has helped
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