Community money - invested by the community
10 February 2015


uklogoWhat do all the words, such as Big Local, Local Trust, Partnership etc. mean?

It can get a little confusing which is why there is a handy jargon buster available here:


WBig LLLhat are other Big Locals doing?

There are 150 Big Locals around the country. They all follow the same guidelines but have come up with many different ways to develop their areas; such as developing a play-park, forming a volunteer-led community garden, setting up a volunteer-run play scheme, providing affordable credit, and more.

See for case-studies.




Does 5930024542_bc00b01356_bit have to be spent half in Radstock and half in Westfield?

No, the money is for the whole area and the projects that get funded have to benefit residents of both area.



cartoon-house-008Is it really resident led?

Yes, the majority of people on the Partnership are residents.


220px-Writhlington_School_logoWhat about Writhlington, Clandown, Tyning and Haydon?

The Radstock and Westfield Big Local includes the areas of Writhlington, Clandon, Tyning and Haydon.


pound-sign-blackDo we have to spend the money slowly (over 10 years)?

No, the money can be spent all in one go, right now. However, we aim for it to be used wisely and in a way that creates more and lasting value for Radstock and Westfield. The plan outlines how we intend to invest in the area over the next 3 years. We will create another plan for the following years nearer the time.