We are not inviting organisations to apply to us for large amounts of funds. However, if you have a speculative project proposal which clearly demonstrates the requirements set out in the guidance form, Radstock & Westfield Big Local will consider it but are not obliged to reward it with a grant. Guidance for Speculative Proposal
What Big Local funding cannot be used for, including: the costs of putting together your proposal; activities that happen or start before the grant is confirmed; expenses you commit to before Big Local confirms the grant; salaries of existing staff for activities they undertake as part of their normal employment that are not related to the project; political activities, as defined by the Charity Commission; religious activities, which includes the practice of religion or activities that actively promote religion or particular belief systems (or indeed the lack of belief); projects or activities which the state has a legal obligation to provide; VAT you can recover; general running costs not associated with the delivery of the project. |