Community money - invested by the community

Pathways to health – at Larch Court Allotments

The good folk at Larch Court Allotments were successful in their pitch to our Dragons’ Den 9, winning £500 to help make their paths around the allotments more accessible.. They’ve been in touch to let us know how they got on: “We are so pleased with our new pathways that you have kindly enabled us
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Sporting Family Change – Social Prescribing Project

We are pleased to have supported Sporting Family Change with a grant, in order to explore and evidence a social prescribing project that enables isolated people to get out of their house and get moving. Sporting Family Change reported: Sporting Family Change have continued to deliver this new project focused on social prescribing in the
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St Mary’s Get New Play Equipment!

We are pleased to have contributed £5,000 towards St Marys outdoor play equipment, improving and increasing their pupils time spent outdoors in the fresh air. The school let us know that: Health and Happiness is at the heart of St Marys, due to COVID children have missed on building resilience, having new play equipment will
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Westfield Track Up and Running

We’re pleased to have been able to contribute half of the cost towards creating the lovely running track and exercise equipment up at Westhill. Westfield Parish Council led on the project after consultation with the local community, and have created an incredible resource that is used by many people, including the running club, schools, dog
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Hot Square Meal Project – Final Report

Hot Square Meal Project – Report On Weds 25th March our worker sent round an email asking how we could invest some of our money as a way to help out the community in this difficult time. Within a few hours we had come up with a project idea to provide hot square meals to
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Walking Festival in Radstock & Westfield

The Somer Valley Walking Festival gave a great pitch to the voting public at Dragons’ Den 5 and were awarded funds towards promoting the festival to our community. They wrote in to let us know how it went: All the events ( opening talk, short walks , longer walks and family walk and art walk) 
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For the Love of Running!

Jim Gump spent 10 months running across the US, visiting schools along the way to inspire children to enjoy running and being active. Local residents voted for him to receive a grant at our fifth Dragons’ Den in order to get that excitement and inspiration back home and to schools in our area. We’re really
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