Community money - invested by the community

Previous Dragons’ Den Winners – Video by Our Bigger Story

Are you thinking about entering the Radstock and Westfield Big Local Dragons’ Den competition this April? You could win £500 to make your community idea happen! Have a look at this fab video to see how previous winners are getting on:   Many thanks to Our Bigger Story for creating the video  

Shining a light on Victoria Hall community building

At a recent Dragon’s Den event run by the Radstock and Westfield Big Local, the good people of the community voted to provide funds to help improve the lighting at the Victoria Hall community building. Caroline Green from Victoria Hall has got in touch to let us know about the positive impact the Radstock and
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Firefighters help Radstock town traders put up Christmas trees

We are very happy to have played our part in getting the Christmas trees put up around the Radstock shops this year.. by politely asking if the Avon Fire and Rescue team could help us! Their extremely generous response was a big YES! The workers at Radstock and Westfield Big Local worked tirelessly with the
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Did you win? The local shopping voucher draw has taken place!

Radstock and Westfield Big Local Vice Chair, Marlene Morley, along with keen helper Emma, drew the winning entries at the Radstock Museum Christmas Fayre on Saturday the 10th of December. The winners each get a £20 shopping voucher (donated by Radstock and Westfield Big Local) to be spent in local shops only. Our community worker,
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Helping Radstock celebrate the Xmas season!

Radstock and Westfield Big Local were heavily involved in helping to bring people together to make the Radstock Town Council Xmas Lights Switch On a fun-filled community event. We worked with Radstock Town Council and DNA arts to plan the event and connect the organisations that wanted to be involved and to spread the good news.
-> Continue reading Helping Radstock celebrate the Xmas season!

Somer Valley FM report live at the Westfield Lights Switch On and get an update from Big Local

We are pleased to have commissioned Somer Valley FM to do a live recording of the Westfield Lights Switch On the 24th of November. They spoke with Westfield Parish Council, the Westfield Ladies Choir and with Radstock and Westfield Big Local who were all there contributing to the wonderful xmas community event.   Until Dec
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Radstock and Westfield Shops Take Part in Big Local’s Xmas Nativity Trail 2016!

Take part in the Radstock & Westfield Big Local Nativity Trail! – Pick up your sheet from Victoria Hall from the 26th November to the 9th December. Search the shops to find a knitted nativity piece and write it’s name on the sheet (please leave the piece in the shop). Once you have identified the
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Report from Radstock Museum – Dragons’ Den 3 Winner

Dragons’ Den 3 – Winners Report: Jos Binns from the Radstock Museum reports on their winning bid to paint their tearoom: Big Local asks – How has the funding improved our community? Within the Museum the main benefit of the grant has been that we have been able to improve the décor within the tearoom
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Funding for WAGS put to good use

Westfield Allotments and Gardening Society (WAGS) pitched at our Dragons’ Den 3 and were awarded £500 towards their Gardening For Children project – to create raised beds to encourage children to grow vegetables, fruit and flowers and develop an interest in allotment gardening for the future. They’ve been in touch to let us know how they
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Tons of fun at Seeds of Change – Pumpkin Project – DNA arts Roundabout Radstock

Had a ton of fun at our           Seeds of Change stall at Roundabout Radstock on Saturday! We shared our spot with the hilarious Cultural Ambassador for Radstock. He was instrumental in ensuring people pledged their allegiance to the Republic of Radstock. We helped to sow the seeds of change by
-> Continue reading Tons of fun at Seeds of Change – Pumpkin Project – DNA arts Roundabout Radstock