Well done to Radstock Museum for raising the funds to restore the iconic clock tower so that the clock face functions and the bells chime. We’re pleased to have been able to contribute to the process, providing funding towards engineering that ensure the chimes only go off during sociable hours!
Somerset Coalfield Life raised their match funding (approx. 70% of the overall costs) through outside funders (Heritage Lottery), Crowdfunding and several fund raising events from quiz evenings to specialised talks. They used an on online survey via their newsletter and evidenced letters of support from local residents, Town Council and several local businesses.
Here’s what they told us:
The project is needed because Radstock must regain pride in its heritage and the Market Hall clock and the strike is an integral part of this heritage. We have gone a long way to getting the clock and strike back into full function, the strike works again but because of complaints from a local resident it cannot be used. By providing a night silencing system we can have a strike that proudly chimes out the hours through the day but respects local residents during the silent hours.