The winners were:
1. Radstock 1st Scout group: £500 to purchase a new tent.
2. Radstock Town Football club: £500 towards the rebuild of the new changing block.
3. Boom Stage: £500 to help young people generate a music event.
4. St Nicholas and St Mary’s Primary schools: £442 for a “Hang it” art project.
5. The Community Bus: £400 for Easter Play schemes
6. Play 8-80: £500 to visit local day centres and schools to providing Drama Workshops
7. Westfield Ladies choir: £240 for new music sheets and stands
8. St Nicholas Church of England: £500 for a new stile or gate at top of grave yard.
9. Radstock junior Gateway: £219 for a new communication system.
10. Battle of the Bands: £428 to help find the winning band for fundays.
11. Sulis Scorpions Cycling Alliance: £343 towards inspiring young people to take up cycling as a sport..
12. Prattens Social club: £428 contribution to disabled toilets.