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First Partnership Meeting – 8th July

Tuesday 8th July, 7pm at Victoria Hall, Radstock will be the first meeting of the Radstock and Westfield Big Local Partnership.

At Tuesday’s meeting we will agree membership of the Management Committee.  While the Partnership will meet twice a year to agree the Plan and overall direction of Big Local, the Management Committee will meet more frequently and decide how to implement the Partnership’s Plan.

Subject to agreement, the Management Committee will be made up of 12 residents from the Big Local area, with a quorum of 5.  Of the 12, there will be a minimum of 4 from Radstock and 4 from Westfield.  Additional people will be co-opted on as non-voting advisors e.g. people who work in the area, people who live outside, people with expertise etc. We will also need to decide what representation the Town and Parish Council’s should have.

Nominations for the Management Committee can be made at the meeting or in advance in writing to with a brief written statement about who you are and a recent photo.  Voting will be by those people attending the meeting on 8th July.