£10,000 granted to local community projects at Dragons’ Den!
The excitement and energy was high at Westfield Sports and Community Centre on a recent Friday evening, where more than seventy residents of Radstock and Westfield turned up to make our 11th community Dragons’ Den a very special event!
All the pitches were brilliant and absolutely wowed the audience, whom in our very own twist, were the ones that decided the ten winners – the dragons had a different role, performing a great job in supporting the pitchers to explain their project idea.
Congratulations to all the winners, whom each received up to £1,000 to do something great in the community, and commiserations to the unsuccessful groups, you were amazing too! Our support doesn’t stop there; we are also working hard to help all the groups find more resources to make their community idea a reality!
Long-standing dragon Angela Emms, who is Philanthropy Manager at Quartet Community Foundation, commented At a time of rising costs, and rising demands for local charities, it is fantastic to see the energy and enthusiasm that the groups put into their pitches to Dragon’s Den. As a friendly Dragon it is always a shame that not all groups can be successful, however it has been a pleasure over the last few years to see several of the groups who come to Dragon’s Den then submit (& receive) funding through Quartet Community Foundation for their wider activities.
Craig Shaw – CEO of Virus Shield Biosciences, a Global Health and Hygiene company based in Westfield – reflected that he was one of the first dragons 11 years ago and is happy to have supported this years’ Dragons’ Den and the benefits it brings to our community.
New to the dragon scene, Toni Green, Project Manager at 3SG, said Thank you for a wonderful evening full of passionate people, inspiring projects and community spirit in abundance! I am so thrilled I was able to play a small part in such an event.

After voting treats! Centre piece is a sweetie cake creatively created and generously donated by Annette!

The Wednesday Club in Writhlington, (supported by Southside Family Project), successfully pitching for hot meals for local families
The WINNERS were:
The Community, yet again, for having so many brilliant people engaged and involved in making our area an even better place to live!
And in no particular order…
Writhlington Action Group – to create a nature trail of rubbing plaques around their local parks
Trauma Breakthrough charity – will be providing a mental health support service from Hope House Centre
SWALLOW charity – whose members will be able to access local swimming sessions
Westfield Sports + Community Centre – to help them develop a patio for the centre and local park users
Southside Family Project – will be able to add hot community meals to their offer at their community group in Writhlington village hall.
Park Skate School CIC – will be providing free skate sessions and volunteer training at their new indoor skate space in Radstock
Norton Radstock Amateur Boxing – are overdue some much needed repairs and this money will help them to keep providing a safe space for young people to express themselves
Small Stuff Baby Bank – are working hard on a plan to keep the Baby Bank providing free equipment to new families as it looks for new premises
Mark Bishop – a local resident who has recently donated a ironmonger’s forge to the Radstock community and is raising money to get it up and running in a community arts and skills space
Girls and Boys Brigade – will be able to support their expanding group with creative activities to do locally
If YOU want to do great things in our community please get in touch, we can support you to find resources to make it happen.
www.radstockwestfield.org.uk info@radstockwestfield.org.uk
Keep an eye out for our next Dragons’ Den in 2025!