Community money - invested by the community

Graffiti in Radstock

Youth Connect South West, with the help of some of their young people, gave a brilliant pitch at our 8th Dragons’ Den, and won a grant of £500 towards a graffiti project, here’s their report…   The youth team at Radstock have been able to offer a summer graffiti project on the hoarding at Radco,
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Forest School Is Brilliant

In 2020/21 we commissioned a study looking at how effective the forest school approach can be in our community. Led by a forest school organisation called Curiositree, with support from Bath University, the study focused on two groups – one in St Mary’ school, and the other in the community with support from the Children’s
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Westfield Track Up and Running

We’re pleased to have been able to contribute half of the cost towards creating the lovely running track and exercise equipment up at Westhill. Westfield Parish Council led on the project after consultation with the local community, and have created an incredible resource that is used by many people, including the running club, schools, dog
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Dragons’ Den In July!!!

Our eighth Dragons’ Den will take place at Whisty Hall on Friday 1st July, from 4pm until 7pm. Application Form Briefing Notes Our eighth Dragons’ Den community event is designed to enable residents and organisations to receive money to carry out projects they believe will benefit and improve the communities of Radstock and Westfield (including
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Felt and Food for Writhlington Pantry

Radstock & Westfield Big Local are pleased to have been able to support the Writhlington Pantry with a small grant, in order to continue the good work they are doing, providing free food to residents that need it. Resident Zoe Cornick, who put in the application, said “The fantastic donation from Big Local has helped
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